
Demo Cyklar

Please contact us to talk about availability, demo loops etc.  Ideally you book a demo ride midweek and ride from the shop. We have a great little local area that’s perfect for a test ride (see map below). It also means you can test back to back bikes (or your own) and you’re not far away should something happen) A demo costs 500kr which is refundable with any purchase/order placed for a bike. We’ll need a ID and/or deposit before taking a bike. We DON’T  ‘demo’ bikes out over the weekend if you’ve got a race or trip to the bike park – sorry!! 

We currently have the following demo bikes:

Babboe Curve E

(we’ve decided to not add demo bikes at the moment, given ongoing supply issues. We’ll look again in the future!)

We do have (currently) a Santa Cruz 5010, Levo and Rondo Bogan) which can be available to see, test and help your decisions! Just ask!

We have a nice little area just by the shop that we use for (MTB) demos…

Demo Loop: