
8 År

Wow! 8 years ago! Hopefully my swenglish has improved and our products and services have grown into something I know I’m proud of!

It’s been a fair old roller-coaster on the way, but hopefully we’ve got a few more corkscrews and G turns to make in the future!

All of this wouldn’t, of course, be possible without you, our customers. So, Thankyou for shopping locally. Especially during these unusual circumstances. It’s appreciated, it’s important (vital!) and most of all it makes it all worthwhile! Please, this Christmas, think about your shopping habits and support your local EVERYTHING! We certainly need your support now more than ever and most. coms won’t miss you when they’re gone! You never know, we might be able to help you with something in the future!

Stay safe. Håll avstånd. Ride hard!

//Neil, Bobby & Pelle

Here are some photos of the old store and where we are today

8 Years Ago
